Pacific Northwest

The ‘Other’ Air & Space Museum in the Pacific Northwest

If you are an airplane ‘spotter’ or a ‘space stuff’ junkie like myself, the ‘Museum of Flight’ in Seattle is an obvious destination. Another less visited, but equally interesting option, is the ‘Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum’ in McMinnville Oregon. The main attraction is the ‘Spruce Goose’, but there is a great selection of other exhibits that span two separate buildings … along with a third building that houses a theater. This past week I spent a morning exploring the museum and challenging my photography skills to capture some interesting perspectives of a few exhibits.

The ‘Spruce Goose’

There is no other way to describe it, the ‘Goose’ is big. A testament to ‘bigger must be better’. Like eating an elephant, the only way to take a photograph is one small bite at a time.

No In-Flight Movie

The DC-3 was the game changer for commercial flight and the museum allows access into their plane.

Lots of Military Planes

Obviously any air and space museum is going to have a variety of military aircraft, and the Evergreen Museum is no exception.

Hide the Button

The museum contains a relic from the Cold War … an ICBM missile and the accompanying silo. Hopefully nobody has told Trump.

Space Stuff

An entire building of the museum contains a variety of space exploration artifacts.