Photography Travel

Photography through Northern Norway

After an epic trip to Svalbard in search of polar bears, we spent the next three weeks, exploring and photographing parts of Northern Norway. To view a selected group of images from this trip, as well as Svalbard, click this link to go to my photography website. Likewise, to see a short 12 minute video compilation from our experience in Norway’s northern arctic region, click on the YouTube link below.

For most of this trip, we continued to stay north of the arctic circle. While it lacks the epic landscapes of Svalbard, polar bears, and endless ice … it is drop-dead gorgeous. Our 6-hour drive heading south from Tromso to Sortland was a relentless parade of snow covered mountains and blue-water fjords.

We were there in the shoulder season. There were no pristine winter snow covered fishing villages. With nearly full-day light, the amazing northern light show that took place was nowhere to be seen. The landscape and vegetation had yet to bloom. What was there, was a lot of rain and dreary weather. Yet, it was still beautiful and devoid of the hordes of tourists that will descend on Lofoten beginning in June.

At every turn is a quintessential image of a northern small Norwegian fishing village surrounded by rugged mountains. Here are several, along with a few moose and puffins. I hope you enjoy …

4 thoughts on “Photography through Northern Norway

  1. As always, your art is amazing. David, your compositions and framing are exquisite. Molly, your videography makes me feel as if I am traveling with you. I envy that you can shoot in such low light. In the “old days” that was difficult. And your choices of music add so much! Do you share your work in the community? Would be fun for so many to see the world through your eyes. Love, Aunt Sally

    1. Thank you so much. It was clearly not as epic as the time in Svalbard with Polar Bears, but still really enjoyable and a bit more opportunities for different compositions. Yep. The technology has improved and shooting hand held at 1/30 of a Sec and still having decent ISO is quite impressive.

  2. Those Vikings sure knew how to live! If Steven van Zandt can get into Witness Protection in Norway, why can’t I?

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