Photography Travel

Our Arctic Adventure

We just returned from a month above the Arctic Circle. The first part of our journey involved a 10-day expedition around Svalbard … in search of polar bears. Along with 9 other guests, we joined an expedition led by Pangolin Photo Safaris aboard the R/V Kinfish. The adventure was amazing, and I will eventually be posting images to my photography website, along with images from the rest of our time in Northern Norway. In the meantime, I’ve pulled together some of the images and video that Molly and I captured … and have posted them in a 30 minute video on YouTube. While being a novice at video and YouTube, I think it captures the essence of the adventure.

A huge thank-you to Guts and Janine from Pangolin, our expedition leaders Boris Wise and Eva Westerholm, and the entire crew of the R/V Kinfish for such a remarkable experience.

I hope you enjoy …

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