Photography Travel - Europe

The City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia

During a recent visit to Europe, we spent a week in Valencia Spain. One of the major attractions in Valencia is The City of Arts and Sciences. This complex is one of the main reasons that I wanted to visit Valencia. Of course, the wonderful weather was another compelling reason. Begun in 1996, the area contains a series of very modern and artistic structures that have been built in a dried up river bed. After a major flood, the river was diverted to create a wonderful park that spans the city. Residing at one end of this park, The City of Arts and Sciences consists of several different museums and performance venues. The entire area is open to the public, and is particularly photogenic in the late afternoon and early evening.

The City of Arts and Sciences is a popular spot for enthusiasts of architecture and photography. Of which, I am a fan of both. As such, I spent several afternoons at the complex. I was joined by my friend, and fellow photographer, Roy. As we discovered, the unique perspectives and lighting at The City of Arts and Sciences provides ample opportunities to capture excellent images. However, the challenge is to try to uncover some unique perspectives of this frequently photographed location. Below are some examples of my effort to capture this special complex in images.

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