Pacific Northwest Photography

Grizzly Bears of British Columbia

Earlier this month, we had a chance to spend the day with a large group of Grizzly Bears as they bulked up on salmon for the upcoming winter. Located in a remote part of British Columbia, the First Nation group Homalco provide people with opportunities to visit their land, learn abit about their history, and witness the local population of Grizzly Bears. Access is only available via a 2+ hour boat trip from the Northeast coast of Vancouver Island to the Bute Inlet on the British Columbia coastline. Once there, the local guides took us to a variety of locations along the river to watch the bears, including several elevated platforms. This was a great opportunity to see these majestic animals in the wild … without the “bearparazzi” that I discussed in a post earlier this year about our visit to the Grand Teton National Park. It was a wonderful autumn day in the Pacific Northwest. We had approximately 20 different sightings during our visit, including several mothers and their cubs. Here are just a few of the images from our visit.

4 thoughts on “Grizzly Bears of British Columbia

  1. Love these and the Grand Teton images. Look like great trips. I too was in BC and Grand Teton this year, but only saw 1 black bear between the 2 trips. Maybe you should open up a gallery in Jackson. I saw black and whites there priced for $50K+.

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