Pacific Northwest Photography

Saving Dummies at Cape Disappointment

This past week on the way back from Portland, we made an impromptu visit to Astoria and Cape Disappointment. The weather was nearly perfect. It was not disappointing. While there, we stumbled across the Coast Guard conducting a series of training exercises. Multiple helicopters were practicing short haul recoveries of dummies on the side of a cliff … and no it was not us. An amazing group of professionals providing an invaluable service. A few images are below. For additional images, click on the following link to visit the gallery at

Rescue Training by the Coast Guard at Cape Disappointment in Washington State
Do You See my Sunglasses ?
Has Anyone Seen Greg ?
Can You Hand me a Starbucks Please ?
You Go First
No Worries … Just a Flesh Wound
Funny. Now Please Unlock the Door
The Bridge at Astoria Oregon During Sunset
The Remains of the Peter Iredale on the Coast of Oregon
Reflection of a Lighthouse