
Less Salmon Equals Less Eagles

This week we conducted our third annual migration to Squamish British Columbia in Canada to witness the annual congregation of wintering bald eagles. This year, we were able to overcome a variety of weather and challenging lighting. What we could not overcome were fewer and more agitated eagles.

The lack of salmon and the impact on eagles was obvious even at our super double-secret location. The local neighbors that always stop by to visit us confirmed what we could already see … hardly any salmon. They also confirmed that Canadians are by and large … extremely friendly. Although, we were NOT offered any Tim Horton’s donuts. So folks, how about next year … heh ? Molly has the hot chocolate covered.

A Pair of Eagles in Squamish British Columbia

At the nearby Salmon hatchery, they indicated an almost 100X reduction in spawning salmon. There is a lot of speculation as to why … but so far no overwhelming evidence. Maybe our governments have implemented some sort of border control not yet disclosed. Perhaps a post NATO snub ?

As you can see … there was still a lot of eagles and I was able to capture some nice images. If the majesty of bald eagles flying over your head so close you can feel the wind of their wings sounds cool … go to Squamish in December. Find us … we’ll supply the hot chocolate. See more images from Squamish here and visit David Maki Photography to purchase a variety of images from my portfolio.

Eagle Takes Flight in Squamish British Columbia