Recent Trips Travel - Europe

Fireworks in Malta

Fireworks are a big part of the culture in Malta. Sort of surprising since it was one of the most heavily bombed places in the world. Regardless, once a year this obsession with all things that go boom goes into overdrive. Every April, Malta hosts the Malta International Fireworks festival. The festival extends for several days across a variety of different locations in Malta.

During our recent visit to Malta, we were fortunate enough to be there for the last night of the festival. The evening featured a variety of Catherine Wheels. These are ground displays on structures that use the power of the fireworks to spin them like pinwheels. It is what happens when an engineer and a pyromaniac build a Rube Goldberg machine. We were determined not to miss this, despite standing in the wind and rain for a couple of hours due to conflicts between 3 published start times. Hey … they all got the date correct.

Attached is a short video compilation of several of the 2019 Catherine Wheel competitors. The video and photos were shot on a smart-phone so apologies for the poor quality. As you can see … the teams get pretty excited when things go well. Press play and give it a second or two to load, turn up the volume, and enjoy. Good luck keeping the smoke out of your eyes.

Video of the 2019 Malta International Fireworks Competition

Travel Tip

Whenever you are planning a trip, it always pays to check to see if there are any unique cultural events taking place before you get there. The local tourist office website is often a great starting place for upcoming events. Enjoying a local event can be the perfect book-end to any visit, whether it is a food fair in Parma, a soccer match in Madrid, a beer festival in Bergen, a New Years Party in Paris, an F1 race in Barcelona, Jimmy Buffet on the beach in Hawaii, a polo match in Argentina, or a fireworks competition in Malta.