Pacific Northwest Photography

3 Days in the Olympic National Park

Last week provided a short period of relief from the normally rainy January weather in the Puget Sound … so it was time for a road trip to the Olympic National Park. The government shutdown hampered repairs to washed out roads to many parts of the park so I focused most of the time along the coast.

Clouds clearing out just before sunset on Ruby Beach at Washington coast
Another sunset at Ruby Beach
Final light from sunset over Ruby Beach at Washington coast
Sunrise over Ruby Beach on the Washington coast with the moon still visible
The surf creating a mystical carpet over Ruby Beach at sunrise on the Washington coast
Sunrise over Ruby Beach on the Washington coast
Waves splashing against rocks on Ruby Beach at the Washington coast
A rare clear and sunny January day on Ruby Beach at the Washington coast
A cold and foggy morning along the Washington coast
A pile of driftwood along the Washington coast
I can’t watch
On Three !
Sun setting over Ruby Beach on the Washington coast
Sun setting behind rocks on Ruby Beach
Another sunset
Sun setting behind rocks on Ruby Beach
Waterfall on the Olympic Penninsula
Waterfall on the Olympic Penninsula
A lone Roosevelt Elk in a herd along a frosty river in the Olympic National Park
A herd of Roosevelt Elk in Olympic National Park showing what they think of the government shutdown

4 thoughts on “3 Days in the Olympic National Park

  1. I really like the “mystical carpet” image and description. Nicely done. What waterfall(s) are pictured?

    1. Thank-you. The waterfall is the Merriman Falls which is just past Lake Quinault towards the Olympic National Park.

      1. Never heard of it until the above exchange. Ended up there around noon the other day and had a delightful picnic sitting next to the falls. Thanks for enabling that.

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