Travel Advice

Best Travel Destinations When It Rains

It has happened to all of us. You’ve spent weeks planning the perfect vacation. You’re there and ready to see the sites. You wake up to that sound. It could be a torrential Southeast Asian downpour, a good old fashion Midwest thunderstorm, or a dreary British misty morning. They all have the same impact. Rain has the potential of sending doom and gloom through any resilient traveler and disrupting a perfectly planned vacation. Having lived in the Seattle area for over 20 years, I feel somewhat qualified to discuss this topic. If you hadn’t heard, it tends to rain around here. Now you can certainly try to develop a sophisticated calculation to predict the best chance of a rain free visit. As you would expect from my previous confessions as an analytical geek, I have attempted this algorithm … akin to alchemy. Sometimes it works, often it does not. Instead, embrace the weather and try adding a destination to your itinerary where a rainy afternoon can enhance your experience. When the clouds start to darken and rain is on its way, here are five of our favorite travel destinations.

Dublin, Ireland

Pubs. They are dry. They are everywhere. They are friendly. They serve Guinness. Questions? You might even find a new career. The last time we spent a rainy afternoon in a Dublin pub, we were sitting at a table with the owner chatting. Two young girls came in and inquired about a job posting. “Do you have any experience in an Irish pub?” he asked. They did not and left … dejected. Under his breath, “I bet they can make a great Margarita but have no idea how to pull a pint”. I quickly declared I had “significant experience in an Irish Pub”. We had been there five days and visited countless Irish pubs. That resonated with his Irish sense of humor and I damn near got the job.

Koh Samui, Thailand

Every time we go to Thailand, Molly has only one item on her ‘to do’ list. A one-hour massage in Koh Samui, on the beach, under a hut, with no “plinkie plinkie” music. Add a nice ice-cold beer and even I would agree that it is hard to find a better value for $8 USD. A pending road-flooding downpour approaching? Head through the fleeing tourists like a salmon spawning upstream and splurge for the 90-minute experience. Hmmm. I just realized that I don’t think we have ever been to Thailand and it has not rained. I should check our Amazon history and see if Molly purchased “Rain Dance for Dummies”.

Paris, France

The itinerary for any visitor to Paris likely includes some combination of museums, food, and shopping. Navigating the interconnected maze of the Paris underground is simple and it is fun to pop up like a gopher in an entirely different small neighborhood. There is guaranteed to be a great museum, bakery, cheese shop, and small bistro within about 50 feet. Rain? Who cares. An entire seasonal weather shift could occur just in the time it takes to visit one floor of the Louvre. The number of museums and shops is mind numbing, so chances are that if you have a particular interest, you can find it. We like vintage posters and on more than one occasion, we have spent a rainy afternoon … and vast sums of money … paging through stacks of large posters. During our last trip to Paris, the owner of one shop quickly realized our affliction and brought us across the street to his private shop. Oops.

San Sebastian, Spain

San Sebastian is considered by many … well at least the two of us … to be one of the greatest food meccas in the world. The small old city is the perfect place for an evening of hopping from bar to bar sampling the best Pinxtos. Rain? What rain? On our first visit, we hooked up with a local food tour company to get the inside track on the Pinxtos scene … which are basically Tapas. The tour turned out to be us, the guide, and a young chef from Scandanavia. We all had a blast and several hours after the “official” tour had ended we were still going strong with some very large Gin and Tonics. So here is the one risk with rain … minimal tables inside does mean that your drink may get diluted by rain water. I think it is a risk worth taking.


 Hong Kong

It is Southeast Asia. Chances are high that at some point, it is going to rain. Like any large city, Hong Kong has a lot of distractions to entertain any soggy traveler. However, negotiating a large city during a downpour can sometimes require the logistic skill and planning of a Himalayan expedition leader. Not in Hong Kong. When you arrive … right when you arrive … at the airport … immediately … go get yourself an Octopus card. Seriously. Got it? Hong Kong has an excellent transportation system of ferries, buses, and subways. An Octopus card will get you anywhere in Hong Kong with minimal effort and often without a solid drenching.


These are just a few of the places where a bit of rain created a memorable travel experience. Where do you like to go when the clouds open up?



2 thoughts on “Best Travel Destinations When It Rains

  1. From Nancy Fee, Pretoria: In the cold and snow, or rain, a traditional Viennese coffee house is a wonderful haven. Many are a century or two old, and serve wonderful coffee, cakes and other treats. Usually with lots and lots of whipped cream.Lovely.

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